Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Conquering the Job Hunt

Hunting for a job can be stressful. How can you best conquer the search?
This sample report is one tool InAccord consultants use to maximize your job-searching efforts. Let's take a look...


Your Job Search
The following personal statements are generated by your answers to 
The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

Approaching your job search
Directly ask those you know for networking contacts
Use your organizing approach and follow a structured plan as you pursue your job search
Ideally, find a job that allows you to be competitive and to be paid on results
If possible, actively start your job search as soon as you can
You like to push yourself on occasions, and this is a time that such an approach is appropriate
You'll feel you're achieving most if you pursue several different lines of inquiry at the same time 

When the job search becomes stressful
Under pressure, you can be a little too tense
You're tempted to withdraw or hide when things get tough
You have a tendency to focus too much on what the job pays and not enough on things like work conditions
You may be inclined to blame yourself for your job loss or for your inability to find another
You can find it hard to sit still and concentrate on what you committed to do, because it's easier to keep trying something new

Finding and developing a support group and/or process
Seek the support of friends who will be direct and forthright with you
One or two close supporters are more beneficial to you than a group of more casual friends
Seek the support of people who expect much of you and who understand your self-critical nature
Stay away from distractions

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

InAccord consultants also address career focus, job interviews, organizational fit, and how your interests can impact your work. Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and our special fall package.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Follow The Leader

What's your Leadership Style?

You could receive this customized report detailing your leadership style when you order your Birkman report from InAccord. 

His Leadership Style
The following personal statements are generated by your answers to 
The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

An unselfconscious leader, direct and to the point, who prefers you to be frank with him
Strongly directive and commanding, needing to see a similarly authoritative figure in you
Self-demanding as a leader and also demanding of others, including you
A reflective leader, at home in ambiguous or complex situations

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports like this one, as well as our special fall package.  Are you on Facebook? Click here to LIKE our page!

A Lesson in Communication

Here's another sample report you could receive when you order a Birkman Consultation with InAccord.  It's just one of over seventy-five other fascinating reports, including "Your Relationship with Your Wife," "Your Job Search," "Career Focus," and "Your Leadership Style."

How to Talk to Him
The following personal statements are generated by your answers to 
The Birkman® Method questionnaire: 

Get to the point
Don't worry too much about hurting his feelings
If the subject is important, talk to him alone
Don't be afraid to disagree openly with him as long as he appears to be relishing active debate
Don't downplay any difficulties surrounding the matter you are discussing, and don't flatter him. If the project is extremely demanding, say so
Keep irrelevant matters to an absolute minimum
Encourage him to think "outside the box" if you really want to engage his attention 

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Would you like to see your name at the top of this report? Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and September's special package.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Big Mistakes

Let's take a look at this sample report you can receive when you order a Birkman Report with InAccord. It's just one of over seventy-five other fascinating reports, including "Handling Conflict," "Your Job Search," "Your Relationship with Your Child," and "Your Learning Style."

Biggest Mistakes You Can Make With Him

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire. Discuss with a trusted advisor or friend how your selected statements impact you -- past or present.

• Beating about the bush with him
• Forcing him to participate unnecessarily in group activities
• Failing to make it clear exactly who is in charge
• Telling him that he has done well when that is not really true
• Interrupting when he is concentrating
• Making him conform unnecessarily

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Would you like to see your name at the top of this report? Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and September's special package.