Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Matters

Let's take a look at how Birkman addresses your relationship with your child.  This report is just one of over seventy-five others, including "Handling Conflict," "Your Job Search," "Possible Ineffective Tactics in Meetings," and "Motivating for Best Performance."


Your Relationship With Your Child

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

When you're at your best
• You're generally forthright in your dealings with your child
• You prefer to build your relationship with your child on basic rules, which you want her/him to follow
• You prefer to exercise authority directly with your child where that is appropriate
• You like to teach your child the real value of money
• You value the time you and your child spend in physical activities
• You usually hold your child to the same high standards you impose on yourself
• It is natural for you to create an environment for your child that has plenty of variety and novelty in it
• You like to encourage your child to explore her/his personal freedom 

What you need
• You like your child to be direct and open with you
• You value the extent to which your child wants to be just with you, as opposed to wanting to socialize
• You need to feel that your child sees you as a figure of authority in the family
• It is natural for you that your child have high expectations of you
• You prefer that your child not spring surprises on you
• To some extent, you like to be regarded as the unorthodox parent or guardian 

Things to work on
• You can react adversely if your child's sensitivity prevents her/him being frank with you
• You can find it hard to participate when your child wants you to be involved constantly in her/his social activities
• You can become too domineering and over-assertive with your child
• You can place too much emphasis on the importance of your child winning at all costs
• You can sometimes be unrealistic in what you expect of your child and of yourself
• You can underestimate the extent to which your child can value a predictable routine
• You can underestimate the extent to which your unusual values and ideas can make your child feel uncomfortable 

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Would you like to gain insight into your parent-child relationship? Contact InAccord today to learn more about this and other fully customizable reports as well as our current package deal.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

There's No "I" in 'TEAM'

Let's take a look at this sample report you can receive when you order a Birkman Report with InAccord...
What kind of team player is John?
The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire: 

When he is at his best
• Is typically direct and straightforward -- tends to get to the point
• Structured in his approach to situations: presents his outline point by point, with at least some focus on detail issues
• Tends to exercise authority naturally -- generally gives direct orders as much as he may seek a consensus from others
• Is naturally competitive; likes to win, and prefers to encourage others using individualized incentives
• Physically energetic; brings an emphasis on direct action to most issues, and seeks a similar approach from others
• Thinks in terms of demanding goals, which will stretch his own and others' capabilities. May have a high level of expectation, both of himself and the people he works with
• Likes to have plenty of variety in his routine; likely to expect others to be able to handle more than one issue at once
• Open to innovation; may well encourage others to try unorthodox or untested methods to achieve their goals 

His less effective approach
• Can be brusque and over-direct, upsetting more sensitive people without realizing it
• Can withdraw from general interaction with people; may remain by himself, or depend too much on a few people who are close to him
• Can become more domineering than he realizes; may take others' silence for consent, when in fact they are intimidated
• Can become over-competitive, to the extent that the need to win can be more important than a solution that benefits all
• Can have expectations of others and himself that are unrealistic; inclined to blame himself for problems which arise, and sometimes too reluctant to abandon projects which realistically cannot succeed
• Can sometimes be too inclined to deal with too many issues at once, or to focus unduly on secondary matters whose relevance is doubtful
• Can underestimate the extent to which his liking for the unconventional or unorthodox can trouble other people; sometimes inclined to say or do something unusual merely for effect 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Are you curious what kind of team player you are? Contact InAccord today to learn more about this and other fully customizable reports as well as this month's special package.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dealing with People

Are you a 'people person'? What characterizes your interactions with others?
This is a sample of one report that sheds light on your relational skills. It's just one of over seventy-five other fascinating reports, including "His Management Style," "Your Strengths," "Your Relationship with Your Parent or Guardian," and "His Challenges."

How He Handles Other People

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to
The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

When he is at his best
• Is typically direct and straightforward -- tends to get to the point
• Structured in his approach to situations: presents his outline point by point, with at least some focus on detail issues
• Tends to exercise authority naturally -- generally gives direct orders as much as he may seek a consensus from others
• Is naturally competitive; likes to win, and prefers to encourage others using individualized incentives
• Physically energetic; brings an emphasis on direct action to most issues, and seeks a similar approach from others
• Thinks in terms of demanding goals, which will stretch his own and others' capabilities
• May have a high level of expectation, both of himself and the people he works with
• Likes to have plenty of variety in his routine; likely to expect others to be able to handle more than one issue at once
• Open to innovation; may well encourage others to try unorthodox or untested methods to achieve their goals

His less effective approach
• Can be brusque and over-direct, upsetting more sensitive people without realizing it
• Can withdraw from general interaction with people; may remain by himself, or depend too much on a few people who are close to him
• Can become more domineering than he realizes; may take others' silence for consent, when in fact they are intimidated
• Can become over-competitive, to the extent that the need to win can be more important than a solution that benefits all
• Can have expectations of others and himself that are unrealistic; inclined to blame himself for problems which arise, and sometimes too reluctant to abandon projects which realistically cannot succeed
• Can sometimes be too inclined to deal with too many issues at once, or to focus unduly on secondary matters whose relevance is doubtful
• Can underestimate the extent to which his liking for the unconventional or unorthodox can trouble other people; sometimes inclined to say or do something unusual merely for effect 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Would you like to see your name at the top of this report? Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and this month's.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Let's take a look at this sample report you can receive when you order a Birkman Report with InAccord.  It's just one of over 75 other fascinating reports, including "His Challenges," "How to Talk to Him," "How He Handles Other People," and "His Management Style."

Motivating John for Best Performance

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to
The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

• May respond better to general rather than specialized management tasks
• Likely to be more self-motivated when he is not made to specialize in a particular area of work
• Responds readily to opportunities to influence others directly
• Particularly responsive to situations where he can help others
• Motivated by tasks involving numbers or statistics
• Prefers direct, no-nonsense instructions and encouragement
• Most self-motivated when allowed some time to work alone or with a very small group
• Most effective when directed by someone he sees as a natural authority figure
• Often rises well to ambitious targets and goals
• Let him concentrate - don't interrupt if it's avoidable
• Allow him to be a little unorthodox on occasion 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Would you like to see your name at the top of this report? Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and our current special package.

Reminding you to stay InAccord,
Catherine and Karla

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Let's Talk About Marriage

This sample report looks at "John's" relationship with his wife. 
But don't worry, wives; there is a "Your Relationship With Your Husband" report too!
This report from InAccord, and over seventy-five others, can bear fruitful material for improving your marriage relationship.


Your Relationship With Your Wife

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to
The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

When you're at your best
• You prefer to be direct and open in interactions with her
• You're organized and like to do things a certain way
• You like to exercise authority directly in your relationship
• You take pride in your material possessions as a symbol of the success of your relationship
• Actively doing things together is for you an important part of a good relationship
• You tend to have high expectations of your relationship
• You like variety and novelty and doing two or more tasks at the same time
• Personal freedom within the bounds of a loving relationship is important to you 

What you need
• You feel more at ease when she is frank and direct with you
• Your relationship with her benefits from time spent just with one another
• It's important to you to feel that you are an authority figure in your relationship
• You tend to respond to marriage as a challenge which requires dedication in order to work
• You like plenty of notice of any change affecting your relationship with your wife
• You need to feel that you have opportunities for freedom of action and expression in your marriage 

Things to work on
• Sometimes you can be too terse with your wife, particularly if you feel stressed
• You can withdraw when you and your wife have to socialize
• You can become outspoken, even domineering, with her
• You may tend to see disagreements between you as rooted basically in financial matters
• When things go wrong in your relationship, your tendency is to blame yourself or to have unrealistic expectations of your wife
• You can find it hard to sit still and concentrate
• You can sometimes be too ready to act, think, and talk unconventionally when you feel under stress
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and our current special package.