Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Let's take a look at this sample report you can receive when you order a Birkman Report with InAccord. How do you come across to your peers? This report is just one of over seventy-five others, including "Your Relationship with Your Wife," "Your Relationship with Your Parent / Guardian," and "Your Relationship with Your Child."

Your Relationship with Your Discovery Partner

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:
A Discovery Partner is someone with whom you have agreed to share this part of your journey, at least for a period of time. For the purposes of dialog, a Discovery Partner is a peer or an equal, even though you may come from different parts or levels of your organization. Most products from Birkman International are suitable for use by Discovery Partners.

When you're at your best
  • You prefer to be direct and straightforward with your partner
  • You prefer to take a more organized approach to your work with your partner
  • You like brisk discussions, and you don't mind disagreeing openly with your partner when you and he or she see things differently
  • You like to feel that a significant result of your work with your partner is that you both strive to be the very best you can be
  • You like discussions with your partner to be energetic and forceful
  • You tend to have high expectations of yourself and your partner. You may well see the work you do together as being a work in progress, rather than as an exercise which can be "completed successfully"
  • You enjoy dealing with more than one issue at a time and moving from one to another in your discussions
  • You enjoying exploring more unusual and complex matters with your partner 

What you need
  • You prefer your partner to be direct and open with you
  • You need to feel confident that the relationship between you and your partner is private
  • You need to feel that your partner will not be afraid to discuss openly any differences in opinion between you
  • You need to feel that you and your partner are addressing issues of real importance, and that you are both committed thoroughly to the work you are doing
  • You need to feel that you have your partner's full attention when you are talking about serious matters
  • When your partner expresses unusual or unorthodox opinions, you can find it stimulating even if you don't agree with them 

Things to work on
  • You can sometimes be too forthright
  • You may be inclined to use your one-on-one time with your partner as a substitute for interacting with others at a more social level
  • You may sometimes become too domineering and over-assertive with your partner
  • Your underlying competitiveness can make you feel impatient if your partner talks at length about abstract values
  • You can sometimes be unrealistic in what you expect of your partner and of yourself
  • You can become too distracted by secondary or outside issues instead of concentrating on the main point
  • Sometimes you can be tempted to do or say unusual things, and then underestimate the extent to which this may trouble your partner 

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Would you like to see your name at the top of this report? Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and our current package deal.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Efficient Management

Knowing how someone responds to your leadership, and then tailoring your communication accordingly, can go a long way to increasing productivity.
Let's take a look at this sample report that InAccord uses to help you do just that.  It's just one of over seventy-five other valuable reports, including "Career Focus," "Biggest Mistakes You Can Make with Him," and "His Possible Ineffective Tactics in Meetings."

How To Manage Him

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:
  • Be direct and straightforward
  • Don't force group interaction on him constantly
  • Be sure he sees you as a natural authority figure, if he is to avoid the temptation to overstep his bounds
  • Offer challenging assignments; be aware of his tendency to blame himself for failures
  • Don't distract him with multiple concerns if it can be avoided
  • Offer him opportunities to express his individuality 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Would you like to see one of your employees' names at the top of this report? Contact InAccord today to learn more about this month's special package.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fitting In

Last week we addressed interview skills. This week, however, we're turning the tables. How can you know if the candidate you're interviewing is a good fit for your company?

InAccord can help. Let's take a look at this sample "Organizational Fit" report.  It's just one of over seventy-five other constructive reports, including "How He Handles Other People," "How He Incentivizes Others," "The Effect of Interests on Work," and "How to Manage Him."

Organizational Fit

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

  • Thinks in terms of classic organizational structure; relates well to the formal management structure of the large organization
  • Prefers to manage using a combination of formal management training and field experience; inclined to be doubtful of those who are over-dependent on management theory, or of those whose management background is purely experiential
  • Tends to be motivated primarily by the inherent interest he has in work or in its results, rather than by work for its own sake
  • Can be something of a free-wheeler: tends to base his actions on what benefits the organization or his immediate group rather than on corporately mandated or abstract values
  • Something of a free spirit; may be less predictable than other people in terms of his response to the corporate "line" and more inclined to follow his own way of thinking 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Are you interested in learning how interviewees will suit your organization? Contact InAccord today to learn more about this and other fully customizable reports.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Impress that Interviewer!

Job interviews can intimidate even the most seasoned executives. But you don't have to worry-- InAccord's targeted, personalized coaching can increase your comfort level, help you showcase your talent, and ultimately land you that coveted position. Take a look at the sample report below. It's just one tool InAccord will use to help you nail that interview. 

How He Approaches Job Interviews

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

When he is at his best in the interview
  • Responds directly and unselfconsciously to questions
  • Most comfortable when the interview follows a structured format rather than being casual or informal
  • Not afraid to express his differences with the interviewer
  • Not afraid to discuss remuneration issues, particularly where these are related to competitive achievement
  • Likely to come across in the interview process as an energetic candidate
  • May appear self-critical during the interview, though this may well be the result of the high standards he sets himself
  • May well address two or more topics at the same time during the interview process
  • Sometimes has a slightly unorthodox way of looking at things which may become apparent during the interview 

When he is less at ease in the interview
  • Can be too direct and forthright
  • May fail to respond adequately to social cues in the interview process
  • May become unexpectedly domineering, particularly if annoyed by some aspect of the interview
  • May appear over-eager when money matters are raised
  • Can appear too self-critical, and critical of others also, during the interview process
  • May start addressing another topic before fully answering the question that was asked 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Do you have an important interview on the horizon? Contact InAccord today to receive fully customizable reports and coaching that will make all the difference in your upcoming interview. Head over to Facebook and  LIKE our page!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Get Moving!

How do you motivate your employees? Different people respond to different forms of encouragement. Let's take a look at how to best incentivize "John": 

How To Incentivize Him

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

  • Talk about remuneration privately, not openly
  • Reward only the attainment of demanding, meaningful achievements
  • Unorthodox incentives often work well with him 

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Contact InAccord today to learn how we can improve employee productivity through fully customizable reports like this one!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Futile Actions

Hi there,
Let's take a look at this sample report you can receive when you order a Birkman Report with InAccord.  It's just one of over seventy-five other insightful reports, including "Handling Conflict," "Your Job Search," "Your Relationship with Your Child," and "Your Learning Style."

His Possible Ineffective Tactics In Meetings

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to 
The Birkman® Method questionnaire:
  • Can tend to be dismissive of individuals he disagrees with
  • Can be silent during the meeting or refuse to contribute
  • May start to argue loudly, become bossy, even aggressive
  • Wants to win at all costs
  • Can become over-critical of others or accepts an unreasonable degree of responsibility for any problems
  • Can lose focus and bring in irrelevant issues
  • May make unconventional statements or suggestions, sometimes merely for effect 

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
Are you curious about your "ineffective tactics"? Contact InAccord today to learn more about other fully customizable reports and September's special package.

Reminding you to stay InAccord,
Catherine and Karla

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Room for Growth

In this report, we're able to see what challenges a 
person, and therefore what one can do to help overcome 
their challenges!

His Challenges

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

• Can be unaware of the extent to which he is brusque or dismissive
• Can ignore social convention
• Becomes domineering, even aggressive
• Too tempted by short-term payoffs and by winning at any price
• A tendency to over-analyze, blame himself, feel inadequate
• Finds it hard to concentrate, is too easily distracted
• Too inclined to be different for its own sake

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •
This report is just one of over seventy-five others, including "How to Manage Him," "Biggest Mistakes You Can Make with Him," "How to Incentivize Him," and "How to Talk to Him."  Contact InAccord today to learn more about this and other fully customizable reports!
Reminding you to stay InAccord,
Catherine and Karla

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Matters

Let's take a look at how Birkman addresses your relationship with your child.  This report is just one of over seventy-five others, including "Handling Conflict," "Your Job Search," "Possible Ineffective Tactics in Meetings," and "Motivating for Best Performance."


Your Relationship With Your Child

The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire:

When you're at your best
• You're generally forthright in your dealings with your child
• You prefer to build your relationship with your child on basic rules, which you want her/him to follow
• You prefer to exercise authority directly with your child where that is appropriate
• You like to teach your child the real value of money
• You value the time you and your child spend in physical activities
• You usually hold your child to the same high standards you impose on yourself
• It is natural for you to create an environment for your child that has plenty of variety and novelty in it
• You like to encourage your child to explore her/his personal freedom 

What you need
• You like your child to be direct and open with you
• You value the extent to which your child wants to be just with you, as opposed to wanting to socialize
• You need to feel that your child sees you as a figure of authority in the family
• It is natural for you that your child have high expectations of you
• You prefer that your child not spring surprises on you
• To some extent, you like to be regarded as the unorthodox parent or guardian 

Things to work on
• You can react adversely if your child's sensitivity prevents her/him being frank with you
• You can find it hard to participate when your child wants you to be involved constantly in her/his social activities
• You can become too domineering and over-assertive with your child
• You can place too much emphasis on the importance of your child winning at all costs
• You can sometimes be unrealistic in what you expect of your child and of yourself
• You can underestimate the extent to which your child can value a predictable routine
• You can underestimate the extent to which your unusual values and ideas can make your child feel uncomfortable 

File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Would you like to gain insight into your parent-child relationship? Contact InAccord today to learn more about this and other fully customizable reports as well as our current package deal.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

There's No "I" in 'TEAM'

Let's take a look at this sample report you can receive when you order a Birkman Report with InAccord...
What kind of team player is John?
The following personal statements are generated by your answers to The Birkman® Method questionnaire: 

When he is at his best
• Is typically direct and straightforward -- tends to get to the point
• Structured in his approach to situations: presents his outline point by point, with at least some focus on detail issues
• Tends to exercise authority naturally -- generally gives direct orders as much as he may seek a consensus from others
• Is naturally competitive; likes to win, and prefers to encourage others using individualized incentives
• Physically energetic; brings an emphasis on direct action to most issues, and seeks a similar approach from others
• Thinks in terms of demanding goals, which will stretch his own and others' capabilities. May have a high level of expectation, both of himself and the people he works with
• Likes to have plenty of variety in his routine; likely to expect others to be able to handle more than one issue at once
• Open to innovation; may well encourage others to try unorthodox or untested methods to achieve their goals 

His less effective approach
• Can be brusque and over-direct, upsetting more sensitive people without realizing it
• Can withdraw from general interaction with people; may remain by himself, or depend too much on a few people who are close to him
• Can become more domineering than he realizes; may take others' silence for consent, when in fact they are intimidated
• Can become over-competitive, to the extent that the need to win can be more important than a solution that benefits all
• Can have expectations of others and himself that are unrealistic; inclined to blame himself for problems which arise, and sometimes too reluctant to abandon projects which realistically cannot succeed
• Can sometimes be too inclined to deal with too many issues at once, or to focus unduly on secondary matters whose relevance is doubtful
• Can underestimate the extent to which his liking for the unconventional or unorthodox can trouble other people; sometimes inclined to say or do something unusual merely for effect 
File No. BX6396 • Presented by Birkman International, Inc. •

Are you curious what kind of team player you are? Contact InAccord today to learn more about this and other fully customizable reports as well as this month's special package.